About Me

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I'm BACCCCKKKKK... After 4+ years in CA I am back to my old stomping grounds, KANSAS!!! I am Cindy Coughenour and I am the founder of Fearless and Female, which is a program of personal safety and practical self-defense for women of all ages. I speak at high schools, universities, churches, businesses and just about any place that a group of women want to come together and learn how to kick some butt!

Friday, January 12, 2007


This week I had the opportunity to speak to some of the employees at Quiksilver in Huntington Beach, CA. What a cool place to work! Out of the corner of my eye, I kept seeing something fly down the halls, but I couldn't see what it was for sure. Finally, much to my surprise, the object flying down the hall was an employee ON ROLLERBLADES! How cool is that? I must admit that I would be the employee WITHOUT wheels strapped to my feet.

Fearless and Female was invited to be part of a Health Expo that Quiksilver provided for their employees. I spoke to quite a few young women that shared stories of "scary experiences" and "bad dates". It has almost become an accepted part of a womans life experiences to have had these bad dates and scary situations. I am not OK with that! I also find it very interesting that when these women tell me their stories they usually admit that they have told very few people, if any, about these situations. That is the really sad part of this whole thing, not talking about it!!! We have to keep the dialog going. We have to keep talking about sexual assault, harassment and any violence against women. Since this subject isn't talked about openly, women that have had these experiences think they are the only person that this has happened to, so therefore they feel they are somehow responsible. Lets keep talking, sharing and caring. You are not alone.
Peace, Love and Safety

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