OK, how random and fun is this? Last month I traveled back to Wichita, KS where I met up with my sister. We are in the process of selling our mom and dads house, since they both passed away in 2006, and what an emotional time all of that is! Anyway, back to the randomness and fun... whenever we would start feeling sad and overwhelmed, my sister and I would take a break and either go get something to eat or we would go shopping! So, this one afternoon we are in Dillard's kind of walking around in a sadness fog and I saw someone I recognized. I holler out to my sister "we know that woman" and I make a bee-line from the purses section over to the shoe section. By now my sister had caught up with me(I think she thought I had finally lost my mind) and was cautiously walking by my side. I walked up to this woman and asked her if her name was Cindy Haas? She looked at me (like she thought I had lost my mind) and said "it used to be." Oh my gosh, this is the lady that my parents named me after! I said "I'm Cindy Cushing" which was my maiden name. I haven't see her since elementary school but I still recognized her! This Cindy had been my dance teacher way back when I was 3yrs old through elementary school. She then turned to her friend and said "oh my gosh, her parents named her after me!" What a reunion. I was so caught up in everything that I had not even really looked at Cindy's friend when she tapped me on the shoulder and said "remember ME?" It was one of my Gamma Phi Beta sorority sisters, Diane Gans! Well you can just imagine all the squealing and hugging going on in the shoe department that day!!! So there we are above, in the Dillards shoe department, yours truly in the middle, Diane on the left and Cindy on the right. So, here's a cheer to good friends!
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