About Me

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I'm BACCCCKKKKK... After 4+ years in CA I am back to my old stomping grounds, KANSAS!!! I am Cindy Coughenour and I am the founder of Fearless and Female, which is a program of personal safety and practical self-defense for women of all ages. I speak at high schools, universities, churches, businesses and just about any place that a group of women want to come together and learn how to kick some butt!

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Shopping, shopping, shopping!

This weekend my husband and I went to the LA Fashion District shopping for new t-shirts for Fearless and Female. He was such a trooper since big crowds and shopping are two of his least favorite things in the world. Me, on the other hand, I love the hustle and bustle of big crowds and the shopping and the browsing and the people watching! Anyway, we found a new t-shirt supplier and I am working on some fresh new designs for F&F shirts. This summer has been a time of change and growth for F&F. Stay tuned because I will be unveiling these changes in a few short months.
Peace, Love and Safety!

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