So, I did the "New Years Resolution" thing and joined my local LA Fitness and I have been trying out all the different classes that they offer. I have been going to an "Aqua Fitness" class and really like it. I noticed most of the other people in the class have been wearing these little water sock things. The shoes aren't very attractive so I opted not to go out and buy any. So at the end of class on Tuesday the instructor put us in two lines and had us run, in the water, to one end and back to our line. The guy I am running against had to be 60-70years old. He was NOT going to beat me, hey, it's a competition! I was just leaving this guy in my wake! But, on the return trip I notice he is gaining on me and I am not going to be beat by an old guy! So, I kick it up a notch and run my hardest. I beat him, oh yea, oh yea(sad isn't it to be so happy that you beat a geriatric in a water aerobics class?) But the last laugh was on me. As I get out of the pool I notice great pain on the bottom of my feet. Yep, you guessed it, I tore up the bottoms of my feet! I guess that's what happens when you get too competitive with the "older kids!" So, I am now the proud owner of the most unattractive water socks in the world. Water relay anyone?
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