Tuesday, June 24, 2008
As promised, here is the information about the door stop alarms! This is the alarm that I spoke about during my programs in Wichita, KS this week. At the time of this blog entry the alarms were in stock and are $7.95. What a bargin! I have added the link below, so check out these wonderful gadgets.

Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Fallen tree in the midwest

Wear your water socks!

Thursday, November 29, 2007
Cindy with Apprentice star!
Which one of us beauties do you think he was focused on????? But, if you look in the bottom right-hand corner you can almost make out my name tag... just so you know it is really me! He was young, she is beautiful, so I can understand how he got confused with my request to take OUR picture! Sometimes you just gotta laugh at life!
Peace, Love and Safety! Cindy
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
NHTI in Concord, NH
Peace, Love and Safety,
Beautiful New Hampshire
Peace, Love and Safety,
Saturday, October 20, 2007
Fairmont Teachers ROCK!!!!!
Peace, Love and Safety,
Thursday, October 18, 2007
St. Paul College
Peace, Love and wishing for a blanket!
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
American First Credit Union x's 2!
Notice how BOB manages to get his mug in every shot! I think someone is practicing an "eye jab" YOU GO GIRL! Stay safe.
Peace, Love and Safety,
The pretty RED lights!
Peace, Love and Safety,
Thursday, September 27, 2007
"Lunch and Learn"
BRA! Be aware, Run Away!
Peace, Love and Safety,
Friday, September 21, 2007
Guess which way I was heading?????

Anyway, I was heading west to participate in the City of Huntington Beach, Health and Lifestyle Expo. I serve as the "Personal Safety Expert" for these Expos and I get to meet wonderful people and share my little nuggets of personal safety information. I think everyone enjoyed the practical tips that I spoke about and after yesterdays Health and Lifestyle Expo the City of HB will be a much safer community!
Peace, Love and Safety!
Monday, September 03, 2007
Where's Cindy???

Sunday, August 26, 2007
Shopping, shopping, shopping!

Peace, Love and Safety!
Wednesday, August 22, 2007
Fairmont Health Expo
Thursday, August 02, 2007
Rear Choke hold

Your's Truly in a choke hold! If you ever find yourself in this situation your first priority is to maintain a clear airway. Grabbing his arm and pulling down, turn your head toward the crook of his arm. Manuver your chin down into the crook of his arm making space for your windpipe. You are now in position for a hammer fist to the groin, a stomp to his foot or even a bite to his arm. Once you get a window of opportunity, RUN TO SAFETY!
Boeing Aerospace

I also want to send a huge "Thank You" to my two Bad Guys, Randy and John. You may never realize what a difference your time has made to the lives of the women that participated in this class! Thanks a million!
Peace, Love and Safety,
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Random sightings

OK, how random and fun is this? Last month I traveled back to Wichita, KS where I met up with my sister. We are in the process of selling our mom and dads house, since they both passed away in 2006, and what an emotional time all of that is! Anyway, back to the randomness and fun... whenever we would start feeling sad and overwhelmed, my sister and I would take a break and either go get something to eat or we would go shopping! So, this one afternoon we are in Dillard's kind of walking around in a sadness fog and I saw someone I recognized. I holler out to my sister "we know that woman" and I make a bee-line from the purses section over to the shoe section. By now my sister had caught up with me(I think she thought I had finally lost my mind) and was cautiously walking by my side. I walked up to this woman and asked her if her name was Cindy Haas? She looked at me (like she thought I had lost my mind) and said "it used to be." Oh my gosh, this is the lady that my parents named me after! I said "I'm Cindy Cushing" which was my maiden name. I haven't see her since elementary school but I still recognized her! This Cindy had been my dance teacher way back when I was 3yrs old through elementary school. She then turned to her friend and said "oh my gosh, her parents named her after me!" What a reunion. I was so caught up in everything that I had not even really looked at Cindy's friend when she tapped me on the shoulder and said "remember ME?" It was one of my Gamma Phi Beta sorority sisters, Diane Gans! Well you can just imagine all the squealing and hugging going on in the shoe department that day!!! So there we are above, in the Dillards shoe department, yours truly in the middle, Diane on the left and Cindy on the right. So, here's a cheer to good friends!
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Happy Mother's Day to me!

Sunday, June 17, 2007
Saturday, June 16, 2007
Beautiful Sunset in Hawaii
Peace, Love and ALOHA!
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Hello from Hawaii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
Memorial Day

Peace, Love and Safety,
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Julie Marie Ladd
Peace, Love and Safety,
Cindy Coughenour
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Missing MVSU student
By ELORIA NEWELL JAMES - Delta Democrat Times
WASHINGTON COUNTY - The Washington County Sheriff Department has expanded its search to the air for a missing Mississippi Valley State University student last seen in Washington County.Louis Scott, 21, of Tchula in Holmes County, was reportedly last seen about 12 days ago in the Leland area.Scott, who is in the Army National Guard and served a year in Afghan-istan, and some friends reportedly came to Greenville on April 21. After a time in the Port City, they began traveling back to Itta Bena. However, Scott never arrived back on the Valley campus, according to officials.Washington County Sheriff Milton Gaston said thanks to a local flying service, Edwards Flying Service of Leland, his department was able to search for Scott from the air on Wednesday. Scott was last seen in his white Chevrolet Monte Carlo with an Army National Guard tag. The vehicle's tag number is 041240.Anyone with information about Scott or his whereabouts is asked to call the Washington County Sheriff's Department at (662) 334-4523, Crime Stoppers at (662) 378-8477 (TIPS).
I spoke at MVSU on April 3rd. This story really drives home the point that both MEN and women are vulnerable to danger. Never let your guard down. Be aware Run Away. For the complete article please click on the link below. Keep this young mans family in your thoughts and prayers.
Saturday, April 07, 2007
It's good to be home
Check out the PINK LUGGAGE. I never have trouble spotting it in baggage claim. And guess what? Nobody has ever accidentally pulled it off thinking it was theirs!
Peace, Love and Safety,
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
Big "Mr. Bad Guy"
Monday, April 02, 2007
Shortly after we started the hands-on portion of the program I noticed a young woman in tears. She was having some really bad memories of a time when she and her brother were confronted by a man that meant them harm. I was so impressed by this young woman as she told the entire class what had happened to them. What strength! And the really cool thing that happened next was the whole class burst into applause in honor of this young woman confronting her fears. I get chills when I think about it!
I get such happiness when I see the young women in my program hit the bag and realize what strength and power they have, but never knew it, and these women today had some incredible power.
Well, I am now in Mississippi getting some much needed rest before I speak to another group of students Tuesday night. Stay tuned...
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Wild and crazy students!
Friday, March 30, 2007
Grace College

Peace, Love and Safety,
Traveling woes
Boeing, Huntington Beach

Monday, March 26, 2007
Watch out Bob!
Don't forget to pass my newsletter on to other women. Pay it forward. If you heard something new and interesting about personal safety today, share it with another woman. Keep reading, I have posted more Merit pictures.
Peace, Love and Safety,